


“最後關頭”用英語表達是 down to the wire,這個習語非常的通俗易懂,寓意:

1、a situation where the outcome is not decided until the very end直到最後才決定結果的情況

2、something that ends in the last minute在最後一分鐘結束的事情

3、until the last moment直到最後一刻

4、become clear at the last moment在最後一刻變得清晰


1、With both teams being equally matched and putting up an exceptional display, the match was very exiting and went down to the wire。 由於兩支球隊的實力相當,而且表現出色,比賽非常激動人心,最後進入決賽。

解析:“with + 賓語 + 現在分詞(短語)”是 with 的複合結構,在句中作狀語,表明狀態或說明情況,其中賓語 both teams 是現在分詞短語 being equally matched and putting up an exceptional display 的邏輯主語。

2、Since both the candidates are equally popular, this year‘s election looks to be going down to the wire。 由於這兩位候選人同樣受歡迎,今年的選舉看來即將進入最後關頭。

3、With the deadline coming up and the project not being on track, the team worked right down to the wire to complete it on time。 隨著最後期限的臨近,專案並沒有按計劃進行,團隊一直在努力到最後關頭,按時完成專案。

解析:with 的複合結構,請見上句解析。

4、The race went down to the wire with the local favourite winning it by a very small margin。 比賽進行到最後,當地最受歡迎的選手以微弱優勢獲勝。

5、They had a treasure hunt contest and it went down to the wire, with two teams being neck and neck most of the time。 他們進行了一場最後關頭的尋寶比賽,最終以兩支隊伍的勢均力敵告終。

解析:neck and neck 意為“並駕齊驅,難分高低”。

6、They went down to the wire and it was impossible to tell who would win till the very last moment。 進行到最後一刻他們才知道誰會贏。