

【學術講座】天地生人,除大仁大惡兩種,餘者皆無大異| yu-cun 169


Yu-cun said as follows: The generative processes operating in the universe provide the great majority of mankind with nature in which good and evil are commingled in more or less equal proportions。

Instances of exceptional goodness and exceptional badness are produced by the operation of beneficent or noxious ethereal influences, of which the former are symptomatized by the equilibrium of society and the latter by its disequilibrium。


Thus, Yao, Shun, Yu, Tang, King Wen, King Wu, the Duke of Zhou, the Duke of Shao, Confucius, Mencius, Dong Zhong-shu, Han Yu, Zhou Dun-yi, the Cheng brothers, Zhu Xi and Zhang Zai, all instances of exceptional goodness were born under the influence of benign forces。


Whilst Chi You, Gong Gong, Jie, Zhou, the First Qin Emperor, Wang Mang, Cao Cao, Huan Wen, An Lu-shan, and Qin Kuai all instances of exceptional badness were born under the influence of harmful forces。


Exceptional goodness have a pure, quintessential humour; Exceptional badness have a cruel, preverse humour。 When an unused surplus of this pure, quintessential humour met an unused surplus of the cruel and perverse humour, the two will become locked in irreconcible conflict thus will find its way into some human creature。

Born into a rich or noble household they are likely to become great lovers or occasion of great love in others; in a poor but well-educated household they will become literary rebels or eccentric aesthetes; even if they are born in the lowest stratun of society they are likely to become great actors or famous hetaera。


For examples I might cite: Xu You, Tao Yuan-ming, Ruan Ji, Ji Kang, Liu Ling, the Wang and Xie clans of the Jin period, Gu Kai-zhi, the last ruler of Chen, the emperor Ming-huang of Tang dynasty, the emperor Hui-zong of the Song dynasty, Liu Ting-zhi, Wen Ting-yun, Mi Fu, Shi Yan-nian, Liu Yong and Qin Guan; or from more recent centuries: Ni Zan, Tang Yin and Zhu Yun-ming;

or again, for examples of the last type: Li Gui-nian, Huang Fan-chuo, Jing Xin-mo, Zhuo Wen-jun, Little Red Duster, Xue Tao, Cui Ying-ying and Morning Cloud。 All of these, though their circumstances differed, were essentially the same。


Jia Bao-yu is one of them。