

【週末悅讀】每日一句| 我曾說過時間能證明你對我的感情,到最後卻

1、 我身上揹負著太多人的期待與祝福,我一定要過的很好很好,所以咱們此後,山高水長遠,一別兩相寬

I carry too many people expecting and blessing, I must have a very good very good, so let‘s hereafter, mountain high water for a long time, a don’t two phase wide

2、 你曾說過時間能證明你對我的感情,到最後卻變成了時間會抹平一切

You once said that time can prove your feelings for me, but in the end it turns out that time erases everything

3、 更多的人,因為錯愛一人,而寂寞一生

More people, because the wrong love a person, and lonely life

4、 曾經的海枯石爛,抵不過你最後一句好聚好散

Once the seas run dry and the rocks crumble, arrived at your last sentence good together good dispersion

5、 情到深處不自拔,愛到悔時心已死

Love to the depths of not extricate themselves, love to regret when the heart has died

6、 最幸福的事莫過於最愛的人就在身邊,還來不及思念又相見

The happiest thing is that the one you love most is right next to you, and there is no time to miss you and meet you

7、 醉後才只酒濃,愛過才懂情深

Drunk only after the wine thick, love only understand deep
