


我不會讓你留著情緒過夜 你所謂的自制力就是慢慢地遠離我 我別這樣

I won‘t let you stay in the mood for the night。 Your so-called self-control is to slowly stay away from me。 Don’t do that to me

實際上一開始就覺得不可能有結果 但是想著陪她走一段時間 想想也不錯

In fact, at the beginning, I thought it was impossible to have a result, but it‘s good to think about accompanying her for a while

我還欠她一個婚禮 我們還不能分開

I still owe her a wedding。 We can’t be separated。

出現的頻率少一點 說不定就不會被錯過了

The frequency is less。 Maybe we‘ll be missed

之後就沒跟誰曖昧過 更沒勾搭誰 連聊天都沒 在新歡和舊愛裡選最愛自己

After that, I didn’t have an affair with anyone, and I didn‘t even chat with anyone。 I didn’t choose to love myself in my new love and old love

如果你覺得你的冷酷暴力和故意不回訊息看上去很厲害 也能解決問題 那就隨便你吧

If you think that your ruthless violence and deliberate failure to return messages can solve the problem, it‘s up to you


It’s not plain sailing, it‘s not repeating what happened in the past year, it’s just that after weighing the pros and cons, he finds that you‘d better lie

愛是一件很奇妙的事情 不在於你付出了多少 但卻在某一瞬間突然喜歡上了 跟做不做的事情無關

Love is a wonderful thing。 It doesn’t depend on how much you pay, but you suddenly fall in love in a moment。 It has nothing to do with what you don‘t do

我從未失敗 但見到你的那一刻,我突然不捨得讓你輸

I have never failed, but the moment I saw you, I was suddenly reluctant to let you lose


Not everyone has a fairy tale ending

沒有耗盡全部熱情的人 無法說再見

No one who hasn’t exhausted all his enthusiasm can say goodbye

記不清了 只記得初次見面時你不是這樣

I don‘t remember。 I just remember when I first met you

每個人在不愛時 都可以很清醒

Everyone can be sober when they don’t love