





Wei Yongling is a male, Han Chinese, of Chinese nationality, from Shanxi Province。 He has enjoyed painting and calligraphy since childhood and has studied under Professor Wen Guoliang。

Wei Yongling‘s achievements come from his talent and perception, but also from his diligence and hard work。 He writes one slice of paper every week, day after day, all year round。 The accumulation of such quantity is the basis for his masterpieces。 His works, which are constantly new in form and highly unified with their content, are highly sought after by audiences。 Wei Yongling’s realm, taste and level of calligraphy also determine his success in the professional field。 He has acquired the essence of Wang‘s calligraphy, with his eight-sided sharpness without losing the trajectory of the middle edge, making it extremely easy to turn, lift and press, and his lines are flat, strong and flexible。 His brushwork is like that of Gongsun Daniang dancing with a sword, flowing and flowing, and his breath is consistent。 The characters are flat or long, square or round, and follow the trend, vividly and naturally, and with great interest。 The ink technique, in its overall plainness, pursues the effect of the ink blocks and the structure of the character groups, with vivid ink colours and a distinctive wetness。 In terms of chapter style, it is even more elaborate, with many excellent compositions。