


一、又像救贖的光,又像墜落的灰。And as the light of redemption, and as falling ashes。

二、今天的心情,是甜甜的大白兔奶糖。Today‘s mood, is the sweet White Rabbit Creamy Candy。三、樹不是我栽的,我只是路過,天氣熱,停一會。I didn’t plant the tree, I was just passing by, the weather is hot, stop for a while。

四、常見窮男身邊有痴女,少見富男手牽糟糠妻。There are spoony girls around poor men, rare rich men holding chaff wife。五、錯把深淵當做救贖。Mistaking the abyss for salvation。

六、快樂工廠停產了,我的快樂沒有了。Happy factory stopped production, my happiness is gone。七、鞋要合腳,人要合拍。Shoes fit, people fit。

八、就像我愛錢得不到錢,愛你也得不到你。Just like I love money can not get money, love you can not get you。九、好好生活,苟活於人群之中。Live a good life, live in the crowd。

十、你願意聽我每天講廢話,那我就每天愛你。You are willing to listen to me talk nonsense every day, then I love you every day。想要了解更多相關內容,關注文案館阿,我們下次見。圖片源於網路,若有侵權請聯絡刪除。