

推薦歌手Jason Walker

Jason Walker最近出了新歌,名叫《If You Only Knew》,旋律屬於舒緩的歌曲,絕對是給大家推薦的歌曲。可能有很多人問,這個人是誰?不是很熟悉。可能歌者很多不怎麼聽英文歌的不太熟悉,但要是說到美劇名,可能就知道他了,因為他的歌曲在美劇裡有被選作插曲。


認識Jason Walker,也是在《吸血鬼日記》裡的插曲播放時候才知道的,也是絕對力推的歌曲:《Down》和《Echo》。旋律緩慢,有點淡淡的憂傷,配上劇情發展,真的很有代入感,大家都可以來聽一聽。

網上對於Jason Walker他的介紹相對比較少,來自美國的原聲歌手,本身歌手也比較低調,但作品絕對是可以拿的上臺面的,具體的時間就留給Jason Walker的歌曲裡。



I don‘t know where I’m at

I‘m standing at the back

And I’m tired of waiting

Waiting here in line

Hoping that I‘ll find

What I’ve been chasing

I shot for the sky

I‘m stuck on the ground

So why do I try

I know I’m gonna fall down

I thought I could fly

So why did I drown

Never know why

It‘s coming down, down, down

I’m not ready to let go

‘Cause then I’d never know

That I could be missing

But I‘m missing way too much

So when do I give up

What I’ve been wishing for

I shot for the sky

I‘m stuck on the ground

So why do I try

I know I’m gonna fall down

I thought I could fly

So why did I drown

Never know why

It‘s coming down, down, down

Oh I’m going down, down, down

I can‘t find another way around

And I don’t wanna hear that sound

Of losing what I never found

I shot for the sky

I‘m stuck on the ground

So why do I try

I know I’m gonna fall down

I thought I could fly

So why did I drown

I‘ll never know why

It’s coming down, down, down

I shot for the sky

I‘m stuck on the ground

So why do I try

I know I’m gonna fall down

I thought I could fly

So why did I drown

Oh, it‘s coming down, down, down