



Painting is to self-expression what language is to independent sound, both of which are the spontaneous display of our rich inner world。 Visual symphonies composed of colors, structure, layers, lines, strokes are our messengers that convey the meaning and hope of our existence to others。


嶗山腳下-1/ At the Foot of Mount Lao-1

布面丙烯/ Acrylic on canvas

60×80cm/ 2021。12

朱株/ Juju

光霧山紅葉/ Red Leaves on Light Fog Mountain

布面丙烯/ Acrylic on canvas

50×60cm/ 2021。12

蔣蘭/ Lan Jiang

月光-6/ Moonlight-6

布面油畫/ Oil on canvas

80x60cm/ 2021。12

趙嘉雍/ Jiayong Zhao

窗外/ Outside the Window

紙本油畫/ Oil on paper

36x52cm/ 2021。12

馬峰/ Feng Ma

時光/ Time

布面油畫/ Oil on canvas

60x80cm/ 2021。12

宋萍/ Ping Song

緒-1/ Thoughts-1

布面油畫/ Oil on canvas

60x50cm/ 2021。12

謝雨晴/ Yuqing Xie

白日夢/ Pipe Dream

密度板丙烯/ Arylic on density board

36X46cm/ 2021。12

孔謙/ Qian Kong

無題/ Untitled

布面油畫/ Oil on canvas

90×80cm/ 2021。12

陳墨/ Mo Chen

樂園/ Amusement Park

水彩/ Watercolor

24×33cm/ 2021。12

陳莉/ Li Chen

記憶/ Memories

布面油畫/ Oil on canvas

60x50cm/ 2021。12

常英芳/ Yingfang Chang

初冬/ Early Winter

布面丙烯/ Acrylic on canvas

50x40cm/ 2021。12

陳兆琇/ Zhaoxiu Chen

觀音壩/ Guanyin(a buddism godness) Dam

布面油畫/ Oil on canvas

40×60cm/ 2021。3

仲敏/ Min Zhong

暖陽/ The Warm Sunshine

布面油畫/ Oil on canvas

30x24cm/ 2021。12

柴莉霞/ Lixia Chai

無題/ Untitled

布面丙烯/ Acrylic on canvas

30x25cm/ 2021。12

秦夢遙/ Mengyao Qin

玉米秸/ Corn Stalk

布面油畫/ Oil on canvas

50×60cm/ 2021。12

張燕婉/ Yanwan Zhang

無題/ Untitled

布面丙烯/ Acrylic on canvas

40x30cm/ 2021。12

靈犀/ Xi Ling

風景/ Sceneris

素描/ Sketch

30x18cm/ 2021。12

陳曦/ Xi Chen

無線/ Wireless

布面油畫/ Oil on canvas

80×80cm/ 2020。6

陳明亮/ Mingliang Chen

平潭鄉村/ Pingtan Countryside

布面油畫/ Oil on canvas

50x70cm/ 2021。12

惠建勳/ Jianxun Hui

菩提薩婆訶/ Bodhi-svaha

布面丙烯、馬克筆/ Marker and acrylic on canvas

20x30cm/ 2021。12

高小雅/ Xiaoya Gao


樹-4/ Trees-4

布面油畫/ Oil on canvas

80x60cm/ 2021。12

王英/ Ying Wang


白楊/ Poplars

紙面油畫/ Oil on paper

40×30cm/ 2021。12

王淑雲/ Shuyun Wang


官舟老宅/The old Houses in Guanzhou

木板丙烯/ Acrylic on board

80x170cm/ 2021。12

賀志文/ Zhiwen He


冬日/ Winter

布面丙烯/ Acrylic on canvas

50x40cm/ 2021。12

小衛/ Xiaowei


長安冬至/Winter Solstice of Chang‘an

布面丙烯、馬克筆/ Marker and acrylic on canvas

30x30cm/ 2021。12

吳林華/ Linhua Wu


空/ Empty

布面丙烯/ Acrylic on canvas

60×50cm/ 2021。12

張帆/ Fan Zhang


無題/ Untitled

布面油畫/ Oil on canvas

36×28cm/ 2021。12

田小蕙/ Xiaohui Tian


戴帽子的男人/ A man in a hat

紙本水彩/ Watercolour on paper

42x29。7cm/ 2021。12

張建偉/ Jianwei Zhang


潮白河之秋-4/ Autumn of the Chaobai River-4

紙板油畫/ Oil on cardboard

18x22cm/ 2021。12

巴鳳君/ Fengjun Ba


夜尋/ Search at Night

水粉畫/ Gouache

50×76cm/ 2021。12

藝超/ Chao Yi


小區的樹/ Trees of the Community

布面丙烯/ Acrylic on canvas

41x29。6cm/ 2021。12

林金蓉/ Jinrong Lin


瓶花/ Vase Flowers

布面油畫/ Oil on canvas

50x40cm/ 2021。12

何嬰/ Ying He


滿園芬芳/ The Garden Fullfilled with Fragrance

布面油畫/ Oil on canvas

80x80cm/ 2021。12

俞慧林/ Huilin Yu


午後/ Afternoon

布面油畫/ Oil on canvas

30x40cm/ 2021。12

李萍/ Ping Li


夢中的房子/ Houses in Dream

布面丙烯/ Acrylic on canvas

40x30cm/ 2021。12

潘玥呈/ Yuecheng Pan


藍色花瓶/ Blue Vase

布面丙烯/ Acrylic on canvas

60x50cm/ 2021。12

尚傑/ Jie Shang


生日的鮮花/ Flowers on Birthday

紙面丙稀/ Acrylic on paper

54x39cm/ 2021。12

何蘭秀/ Lanxiu He

出 品:新繪畫新思維

作 品:新繪畫新思維學員

中 文:HeMas

英文翻譯:朱 株